Sylvania Tam-O-Shanter Learn to Skate programs are committed to providing skaters, ages 3 through adult with the basic ice skating skills that are necessary to skate safely and competently, whether for figure skating, ice hockey or recreation. The Learn to Skate program follows the Learn to Skate USA curriculum. Fee includes Learn to Skate USA membership.
Before you can score a goal, you need to learn to skate... Pre-hockey curriculum is designed to teach the fundamentals of hockey skating. Skaters will learn how to be more proficient and agile on the ice. Proper skating techniques for the game of hockey is the primary focus. All elements will be taught without a puck. Skaters will learn the basic hockey stance, stride, knee bend, use of edges and other necessary fundamentals to be successful in hockey practices and game situations. It is recommended (not required) that you complete a session of Snowplow Sam, Pre-Hockey, and/or Basic Skills (or masters gliding and stopping) prior to registering for Learn 2 Play Hockey.
Necessary equipment:
· Hockey skates
· HECC Approved Hockey Helmet
Classes will be held on the studio rink and are limited to 8 skaters. Hockey skating lessons can be done in conjunction with Learn to Play Hockey program. Other protective hockey equipment is optional. No sticks.